8 月 17 日起部分旧型号 Kindle 设备将无法访问 Kindle 商店

本周亚马逊向仍在使用较旧型号 Kindle 设备的用户发送了如下所示的邮件通知[1] [2]:
Thank you for continuing to use one of our earliest Kindle devices. While you can continue reading on your device, as of August 17, 2022, store functionality will no longer be available. This change only affects certain devices introduced 10+ years ago (listed below). As of August 17, you’ll no longer be able to browse, buy, or borrow books directly from these Kindle devices. As always, you’ll be able to browse, buy, and borrow books on other supported devices or through amazon.com/ebooks.
Which Kindle devices are affected? Kindle (2nd Gen) International, Kindle DX International, Kindle Keyboard, Kindle (4th Gen), and Kindle (5th Gen). Our records show at least one of these devices is registered to this email address. Visit Manage your Content and Devices to see all your registered devices. If you are unsure which device(s) you have, visit Identify Your Kindle for more information.
Can I still read on my Kindle? Yes. You can still access your existing library from your Kindle, deliver newly purchased or borrowed books to it, or download books from your “Archived Items.”
How can I shop for Kindle books after August 17, 2022?
- Visit amazon.com/ebooks in a browser on your phone, tablet, or computer.
- Use the Kindle Store on a touchscreen Kindle or Amazon Fire tablet.
- Upgrade to a new Kindle. Use code [REDACTED] to save 30% and get $40 in eBook credit. Offer valid through July 5, 2022, at 11:59 PM (PT). Terms and Conditions apply.
If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ or contact our Customer Service team who will be happy to help you.
Regards, The Kindle Team
通知称,自 2022 年 8 月 17 日起,如下所示的这些距首次发布时间超 10 年以上的 Kindle 设备将无法访问 Kindle 商店,即无法直接在这些 Kindle 设备中浏览、购买以及借阅电子书。
- Kindle 2 International
- Kindle DX International
- Kindle Keyboard
- Kindle 4
- Kindle 5
截止日期之后,对于这些旧型号的 Kindle 设备,只要设备能够联网,通过其它方式访问 Kindle 商店购买的电子书,仍会自动同步到你的 Kindle,你也可以手动从“归档项目”中下载它们。如果无法联网,则只能先将购买的电子书下载到本地,再通过 USB 数据线传输到 Kindle 设备中。
也就是说,除了无法在这些旧 Kindle 设备中直接访问 Kindle 商店外,其它功能不受影响。
这是亚马逊首次完全切断一系列 Kindle 设备对 Kindle 商店的访问权限。亚马逊未披露这些特定型号无法访问 Kindle 商店的具体原因。可能是旧设备相关功能不再适应当前的 Kindle 商店。
由于这些 Kindle 设备未在中国发售过,因此这一变动对于中国用户来说几乎没有影响。
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