亚马逊会在 2019 年发布第二代 Kindle Voyage 吗?


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小伙伴们写下了 9 条留言

  1. 那篇文章下方有一个叫James Seger的回复说“plastic screen”给的信息不详细,然后详细说了这个“plastic screen”是“substrate”,如果这个消息是真的,那还是挺不错的一个更新。只是目前KPW4热销的当前,如果真有Kindle Voyage的话,没点新加入的更新那定位就太尴尬了。
    ———————original message———————–
    Okay. The article is probably wrong. They’ve repeatedly predicted the Voyage 2. But they are right about the plastic screen. They just aren’t detailed.

    The plastic screen isn’t the part you touch. It’s the substrate, which has been a very thin layer of glass, making e-ink fragile. The Paperwhite 4 supposedly has a plastic substrate. The Forma does for sure, so if you drop it the screen is less likely to fail. Google ”e-ink mobius” to learn about them.

    A plastic substrate screen is good. Referring to it as a ‘plastic screen’ isn’t detailed enough and causes confusion.
    ———————original message———————–

  2. 如果把KV屏幕变大(最好是不小于9寸),内存增加到32G以上,那么我估计会卖的非常好,那样的我就打算买两台。

  3. 16年高考结束买的kv,算不得爱护有加,但也算耐x的心头好,即便出新款kv,估计也不会入的,毕竟衣不如新,“人”不如旧,毕竟功能改变有限,而内容为王