Kindle Paperwhite 6 愿望清单:所有我希望看到的新特色



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小伙伴们写下了 15 条留言

  1. 希望能更轻一点,KO的重量挺舒服的,虽然我在用KPW3,但带壳后接近半斤的重量确实还是显得有点 压手。。。

  2. 希望Kpw6在24年10月亮相,能用上Carta 1300,速度会更快;至于彩色技术,就当锦上添花了。

  3. Immersion Reading 我看官方说明是支持的哈,就是音频和文字同步?

    “Q: Can I read and listen at the same time?

    Yes! When you buy Audible narration for your books, in addition to switching back and forth between reading and listening, you can read and listen simultaneously, with real-time text highlighting. To activate this feature, open your Kindle book, download the Audible narration, then tap play to begin listening. Please note that this feature does not apply to titles borrowed from the Audible Plus catalog.”

  4. 我同意他说的,那个按钮确实难按,尤其是加了保护壳,更迟钝了!还有,能给个六千毫安电池吗?内存也出个64G的!

  5. 我渴望亚马逊把那个位置愚蠢的开关按钮挪出底部!(震声毁灭冲击波