亚马逊将在 5.16.7 版本固件中移除 Kindle 生字注音功能
近日书伴交流群网友“H W”收到了亚马逊 Kindle 团队发来的一封邮件,信中告知,在未来几周内发布的 5.16.7 版本固件,将不再支持 Kindle 设备在汉字上方显示拼音注音的功能。
亚马逊是在 2016 年 12 月发布 5.8.7 版本固件时为 Kindle 添加的生字注音功能,这也是当时 Kindle 迎合中国市场一项举措,为中国区用户量身定制的一项功能。随着 Kindle 结束在华业务,不论出于市场需求还是维护成本的考虑,类似的本地化功能都大概率会被砍掉。
尊敬的 Kindle 顾客
感谢您成为尊贵的 Kindle 用户。在未来几周内,在运行软件版本 5.16.7 或更高版本的 Kindle、Kindle Scribe、Kindle Paperwhite 和 Kindle Oasis 设备上,我们将不再支持在中文书籍的汉字上方显示拼音注音。尽管位于 Aa 菜单中“更多”选项卡下的拼音选项将不再可用,但您在这些设备上阅读中文书籍的能力将不会受到其他方面的影响。如果你之前已经开启了拼音注音,它们将不再显示。
- 确保您下载了中文字典。为了添加字典,确保您的 Kindle 已连接网络,打开 Kindle 设备上的图书馆,滚屏直至看到“字典”收藏夹,然后点击下载你所选择的中文字典。
- 打开中文书籍并长按您要查看注音的字符。
- 在出现的字典卡片底部点击字典名称并选择中文字典。
Kindle 团队
Dear Kindle Customer
Thank you for being a valued Kindle customer. In the coming weeks, we will no longer support pinyin pronunciation guides shown above Chinese characters in Chinese language books on Kindle, Kindle Scribe, Kindle Paperwhite, and Kindle Oasis devices running software version 5.16.7 and newer. Your ability to read Chinese language books on these devices will not otherwise be affected, though the pinyin option will no longer be available under the “More” tab in the Aa menu. If you previously had the pinyin pronunciation guides enabled, they will no longer be displayed.
You can still look up the pinyin pronunciation for individual Chinese characters using the built-in Smart Lookup feature. To do so, follow there steps:
- Make sure you have a Chinese dictionary downloaded. In order to add a dictionary, ensure your Kindle is connected to the internet, open the Library on your Kindle device, scroll until you see the “Dictionaries” collection, and then tap to download your Chinese language dictionary of choice.
- Open a Chinese language book and long tap on the character you want to look up the pronunciation for.
- Tap the dictionary name at the bottom of the dictionary card that appears and select a Chinese language dictionary.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service team.
The Kindle team
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