Kindle Paperwhite 3( &越狱教程



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小伙伴们写下了 193 条留言

  1. 呵呵呵呵,我已经升级到5.10.3了,还有救吗,一弹出就会把降级的包删了直接重启也没用,DO_FACTORY_RESTORE也不行……等一个拯救方案~

    • 目前没用此版本的越狱方法。’DO_FACTORY_RESTORE’是针对KPW3循环重启的解决方法。

  2. 出厂固件版本指的是刚拿到机器时的固件版本吗?怎么查看自己的出厂固件版本?出厂固件版本和固件版本一样吗?

    • 对,出厂固件版本就是设备出厂时的固件版本。查看固件版本的方法请点击这里。对于 KPW3 来说,只有你当固件版本是 或 才能使用本文方法越狱。

    • 对于软件越狱来说,目前的越狱方法都是针对出厂固件版本的,很少有针对升级后固件版本的越狱方法。如果你想跟踪 Kindle 越狱相关信息,可以关注 MobileRead 论坛的“Kindle Developer’s Corner”板块。

  3. 请问,我现在是5.10.2,有办法越狱或者降级吗?从未越过狱!是不是在也没有机会越狱了?

  4. 手上有一台499kindle和kpw3 ,用了这么久觉得还是499的5.6.5系统最省电和流畅,可惜背光和高dpi是刚需将就着用kpw3的5.9.6.1版本的系统。在这里想问一下32g版本kpw3有办法降级吗?哪怕是拆机我也愿意折腾!

    • KPW3先升级至5.9.6.1(可前往固件大全下载)在按照本文方法越狱,不用拆机。别升错了!!

  5. “Tested working on both new and OTA updated PW3 running firmware or older. Initial testing was performed on a brand new, out-of-the-box Paperwhite 3 with For OTA updated PW3, tested on both 5.9.2 and”


  6. kpw3固件降级5.显示error15 降级5.9.6.1显示error12 请问这要怎么办?现在的版本号是5.10.1.1

  7. kindle-jb-factory的百度网盘压缩文件下载下来后无法解压,怎么办呢?

  8. Step #8:

    1. Download the latest MRPI package from NiLuJe’s Snapshots thread and (double) extract.
      As of writing:
      ● MR Package Installer | kual-mrinstaller-1.7.N-r15562.tar.xz | 2018-Nov-22 06:52:58 | 828.5K | b79f8146eb04b740eaeb361af8ae4610 | MRPI
    2. Copy the extensions and mrpackages folders to the Kindle root (alongside the documents folder).
    3. Download coplate’s KUALBooklet build ( and extract.
    4. Copy Update_KUALBooklet_d20a095_install.bin to the mrpackages folder on the Kindle.
    5. (Optional) You can also copy the various update*.bin KUAL Add-On packages to the mrpackages folder for installation at this point (e.g. python, linkss/screensaver, etc).
    6. Eject and unplug the Kindle.
    7. Enter ;log mrpi in the Homescreen’s searchbar (in a similar fashion as what you had to do during the Jailbreak), and wait for MRPI to do its thing.

    第一,先下载kual-mrinstaller-1.7.N-r15562.tar.xz ,然后解压,得到extensions 和 mrpackages,并复制到Kindle根文件;
    第二,下载KUALBooklet build,然后解压,得到Update_KUALBooklet_d20a095_install.bin,并复制到mrpackages文件夹里;
    第三,弹出Kindle,在搜索框输入”;log mrpi”,最后按回车即可。

  9. 原kpw3 5.8.10成功越狱。在这里说点注意事项吧!

    Step #8:

    1. Download the latest MRPI package from NiLuJe’s Snapshots thread and (double) extract.
      As of writing:
      ● MR Package Installer | kual-mrinstaller-1.7.N-r15562.tar.xz | 2018-Nov-22 06:52:58 | 828.5K | b79f8146eb04b740eaeb361af8ae4610 | MRPI
    2. Copy the extensions and mrpackages folders to the Kindle root (alongside the documents folder).
    3. Download coplate’s KUALBooklet build ( and extract.
    4. Copy Update_KUALBooklet_d20a095_install.bin to the mrpackages folder on the Kindle.
    5. (Optional) You can also copy the various update*.bin KUAL Add-On packages to the mrpackages folder for installation at this point (e.g. python, linkss/screensaver, etc).
    6. Eject and unplug the Kindle.
    7. Enter ;log mrpi in the Homescreen’s searchbar (in a similar fashion as what you had to do during the Jailbreak), and wait for MRPI to do its thing.

    5、慎刷USBNetwork hack插件,要按教程一步一步,小心谨慎操作,少一步多一步都不行,因为我装完插件后,不仅没办法进行无线连接,连USB都连不上,百度了各种方法都不行以后,最后通过重置把这毛病给治好了,当然,一切又得从头再来,这一次,我没再刷这个插件,毕竟我的主要目的是换屏保,不想折腾这么累,而且技术有限,没精力去探究到底为什么连不上了;

  10. KW3版本5.8.10可以用文中特制固件update_pw3_5.9.6.1_factory.bin直接越狱吗?之前复制进kindle盘中就会消失。