如何把 Kindle 电子书转换成增强型排版的 KFX 格式



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小伙伴们写下了 46 条留言

  1. 请问转完显示这个怎么办啊
    calibre, version 6.22.0
    错误: KFX conversion failed: Cannot convert 《哈利波特》Conversion error: Exception(‘Kindle Previewer 3 not installed as expected. (C:\\Users\\高志轩\\AppData\\Local\\Amazon\\Kindle Previewer 3 missing)’)

    • 应该是你没有先安装kindle previewer 3,这个插件需要电脑上有这个软件才好运行的。

  2. 根据教程转为KFX格式之后。首先封面都显示全屏。中间页也能居中对齐。这点比较好。azw3格式图片是歪的。目前发现转的四大名著。KFX弹注就变成跳转了。AZW3就正常。但也有一些文件弹注正常。有没有好的解决办法?

  3. 我在将漫画(mobi、epub)转换为kfx格式的时候,一定会报错——
    Kindle Previewer 3.69.0 Copyright (c) Amazon.com
    Checking specified arguments.
    Pre-processing in progress.
    Processing 1/1 book(s).
    Book Conversion failed. C:/Users\Lee\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_yj57d48v\04ekr9ov\4wvugd6gckr3nbojty1k\fcrr3ei3.epub
    Post-processing in progress.
    Writing output/log files to C:/Users\Lee\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_yj57d48v\04ekr9ov\4wvugd6gckr3nbojty1k\0000

    ****************** Conversion Failure Reason *****************
    Kindle conversion has encountered an internal error.

    ************ Kindle Previewer Conversion Guidance ************
    Error Kindle conversion has encountered an internal error.
    Recommended Fix: Our team needs to investigate this error in order to resolve. Please go to the KPR Help Menu and select the Send Feedback option to inform us of this issue. Please make sure you are signed in and we will provide you with more information within 3 business days. Thank you.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “runpy.py”, line 196, in _run_module_as_main
    File “runpy.py”, line 86, in _run_code
    File “site.py”, line 82, in
    File “site.py”, line 77, in main
    File “site.py”, line 49, in run_entry_point
    File “calibre\utils\ipc\worker.py”, line 215, in main
    File “calibre\gui2\convert\gui_conversion.py”, line 38, in gui_convert_override
    File “calibre\gui2\convert\gui_conversion.py”, line 25, in gui_convert
    File “calibre\ebooks\conversion\plumber.py”, line 1281, in run
    File “calibre_plugins.kfx_output.__init__”, line 218, in convert
    File “calibre_plugins.kfx_output.__init__”, line 306, in convert_using_previewer
    File “calibre_plugins.kfx_output.__init__”, line 355, in report_failure
    calibre.ebooks.conversion.ConversionUserFeedBack: {“msg”: “Cannot convert XXXConversion error: Kindle conversion has encountered an internal error.”, “level”: “error”, “det_msg”: “”, “title”: “KFX conversion failed”}

    • 说起来很惭愧,我这里上mobileread经常页面刷新之后就丢失,就比github情况好一些。

  4. 我用一个pdf转成docx,自己排版以后,再用calibre将docx转成kfx,结果却出现在标题中同时有两种字体的问题(格式混乱),我又试着将docx转成azw3,没有同样的问题,但是正文格式却又混乱起来了(没法应用字体)。看了看说明,发现epub是docx和kfx之间的中间格式,我就试着用网上的各种工具将docx转成epub看看是不是calibre的转换器的问题,结果也不是。