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Last Update: August 25th, 2015

I. Good Kindle eBook for free!
II. Kindle eBook on Amazon

I. Good Kindle eBook for free!

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  6. Girlebooks

    Free resource for classic and contemporary ebooks by female writers. Offers eBooks for Kindle reading in format of PRC, EPUB, PDF, Microsoft Reader LIT, PDB and Plain Text.

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II. Kindle eBook on Amazon

  1. Kindle Daily Deals

  2. Monthly Deals: Kindle Books for $3.99 or Less

  3. 50 Kindle Book Deals for $2 Each

  4. Kindle Countdown Deals

  5. 30 Kids’ Books, $1 Each

  6. Kindle Select 25 (list of 25 exciting books for this week)

  7. Amazon Best Sellers

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